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2024 skeet & trap program

ALL SHOOTERS ARE WELCOME – Come Out & Have Some Fun          

We encourage and welcome both experienced shooters and “newbies” along with club members and non-members.  If you know nothing about skeet or trap but want to try it, come out and attend an event and talk to those of us who shoot. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience to be shared within this group. We are glad to cover the rules of the game, shooting techniques to break the birds, the skills to practice and provide any other help you might need. By tapping into our group’s knowledge of the sport, you might even save some money as you get started by understanding the right/best equipment to purchase. On the other hand, if you are an experienced shooter be ready for a challenge… mixed birds, winds, weather (just like a hunt). 

It takes about 25 minutes to shoot a round of Skeet and Trap takes a bit less time.  A round consists of 6 shooters for Skeet and 5 shooters for Trap. The teams then shoot together on the respective courses. The squads are assembled based upon the shooters order of registration.  If there are more shooters than permitted in each round, those individuals in the overflow will get to shoot the next round and can help if desired, which makes things go faster. If less than a full squad of shooters is on deck, it is still permissible to begin the round.  If we have more participants, we will shoot more rounds


The Bird House Bistro provides cold bottled water (.25 cents) and hot coffee or tea for a small donation (.75 cents).  

We will be cooking some hot dogs for shooters around lunch time.  Hot dogs are free, but we would certainly appreciate a small donation of ($1.00/dog) to keep the dogs coming.


The fee for A.L.G.C. Members is $7.00 per round (25 birds)

The fee for Non-members is $8.00 per round (25 birds)

 **Note - Change is not always available, so please bring the correct amount of cash to cover the number of rounds you anticipate shooting.

ALL spectators and shooters MUST have eye and ear protection.

You will a need a shotgun and ammo.   We are limited to using #9, #8, or #7-1/2 shell loads.  There will be a 12 gauge semiautomatic shotgun available if needed.

For shotguns, we shoot 12, 20, 28, and .410 gauge. All types of shotguns capable of holding 2 rounds are permitted (Semi-auto, Over & Under, Tactical).

From experience, we know the cost of the gun does not make a better shooter!  We shoot American Skeet & Trap.

Recent Skeet & Trap Scores

2025 Skeet & Trap Schedule

Check the club calendar here for an up-to-date schedule.

Skeet & Trap ranges open from 9:30am to 1:00PM

Skeet and Trap Shoots are on Saturdays

12-Apr Opening Day
26-Apr Skeet/Trap Competition Begins

Memorial Shoot

12:00 Noon

Rico's Wish & Bob Stasek

7-Jun Skeet/Trap 9:30 - noon, D-Day Shotgun Survival Shoot starts at noon
14-Jun Ladies Day
16-Aug Sportsman's Alliance 
4-Oct Last Day of Competition 
18-Oct Awards Banquet
15-Nov Turkey Shoot
20-Dec End of 2025 Season

Ashland Lake Gun Club

206 US Rt. 42
West Salem, OH 44287

Mailing Address

PO Box 26328
Fairview Park, OH 44126